Peter Lantry of Equinix discusses the top digital transformation trends expected this year. They are, Data centers and digital demands: Lantry explains that “our hope is that 2024 will see a more practical approach to data centers and the planning restrictions that are currently curtailing the necessary growth of the industry.” Green tech and green computing: He believes that green tech—the use of technology to reduce the environmental impact of humans—will be used in data centers to optimize energy usage and decrease emissions. Private AI: “Using private AI will also aid businesses with data collection and storage, while optimizing performance and cost efficiency. As AI matures, it will be very exciting to see what the world’s digital leaders do with the technology this year.” He further said, “The business landscape is changing at a phenomenal speed."" Do your research, work with experienced partners, and make sure you are in a position to make the most of these seismic shifts.”