The next stage of TikTok is coming, with some users now seeing the option to upload 30-minute-long videos in the app. TikTok is testing a 30-minute upload option in its beta version, following a trend of increasing post limits over the years. Starting from 15 seconds, it expanded to 60 seconds, then 3, 5, and 10 minutes in 2022. Previously experimenting with 15-minute uploads, the move to 30 minutes aligns with Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok, which increased its limit in 2022. This longer duration could enhance creator capacity, offering broader monetization potential through pre and mid-roll ads. The challenge for TikTok has been effective monetization, and longer uploads might address this, encouraging creators to stay aligned with the platform. The shift reflects TikTok's ambition to be a primary entertainment destination rather than just a supplementary engagement tool for longer video creators.