Small business owners seeing a rise of sneaky shoplifters

Posted under: SMB
Date: 2024-03-06
Small business owners seeing a rise of sneaky shoplifters

Small businesses in downtown Charlottesville have been hit hard by shoplifting, with business owners stating that the issue has worsened in recent years, particularly since the pandemic. Owner Linnea Revak, owner of Darling and Dashing Boutique, has dealt with numerous shoplifters in recent months and is not afraid to press charges. The city has security cameras and has prosecuted shoplifters, and in Virginia, stealing items worth $1000 or more is a felony. Charlottesville Police have been working with downtown businesses to protect their stores and recommend additional security measures. In addition to cameras and locking up high-value items, employees should be trained on greeting everyone who enters the store. Shoplifters may not be who you think they are, as they may be young, in middle school, or younger. Even stealing the smallest items still stings, as it is a violation for small business owners.

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