Chennai-based MSME body Association of Indian Entrepreneurs (AIE) has sought clarity from the MSME ministry on the “status of MSMEs” in the country based on the annual report of the MSME ministry in order to formulate or revise policies for a deeper positive impact on the MSME sector. Citing the report’s data of 6.33 lakh crore unincorporated non-agriculture MSMEs in the country based on the 2015-16 national sample survey, AIE Founder Chairman KE Raghunathan highlighted that the number of MSME registrations on the Udyam portal is not even 50 per cent of the total MSMEs as of 2015-16. “Does it mean MSMEs existing before 2017 have wound up?” said Raghunathan in a statement. “We have raised a few potential clarifications from the ministry on the status of MSMEs in India.” The government launched the Udyam portal post Covid in 2020 replacing the earlier Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum (UAM) and Entrepreneur Memorandum – II for enterprises to register with the MSME ministry.