India, under the leadership of Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, is actively promoting the Jaipur Call for Action, aligned with G20 directives, emphasizing improved information access for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). The initiative, driven through collaborative efforts with G20 and WTO, aims to unleash the global potential of MSMEs. Sitharaman highlights the crucial role of MSMEs in sustaining livelihoods but notes their challenges, especially in developing nations, due to limited information access hindering international trade involvement. During India's G20 Presidency, attention was focused on integrating MSMEs into global trade. The MSME sector in India is poised for significant growth, with initiatives like the "Vivad se Vishwas I-Relief to MSMEs" scheme and the Skill India Digital Platform. Australian businesses can explore opportunities, assess supply chain impacts, & consider collaborative ventures, while policymakers gain insights for effective SME support.