The development of digital public infrastructure (DPI) in India in the last decade has steered the growth of startups in the country, industry leaders said on Saturday. Addressing FICCI’s annual general meeting and annual convention, Sanjeev Bikhchandani, founder of Info Edge India Ltd., said that research and development in India is currently in a better position than it was a decade ago, which has spurred a cluster of startup IPOs in the Delhi-NCR region. Neel Mehta, Director and Co-Founder, Asteria Aerospace Ltd., said that sectors such as defense, space, AI/ML, and biotech, among others, are key beneficiaries of deep technology. He further said that public awareness with reference to the use of drones has improved significantly in India over the last decade. The deeptech sector has also seen new-age job creation, and building on the right theme and ensuring proper execution can be the key to a startup’s success.