Baylor professors work on wireless technology for Department of Defense

Posted under: Smart Technologies
Date: 2024-02-08

Baylor professors have partnered with 16 other universities and the Department of Defense to improve the country's wireless spectrum systems using SMART Hub. Dr. Charles Baylis, a professor of electrical and computer engineering at Baylor, is leading the project. The space within the radio spectrum is valuable and limited, and without it, the Department of Defense cannot perform necessary tasks for the country's safety. SMART Hub is working to find the free space within the radio spectrum. Dr. Austin Egbert, the director of strategic initiatives at Baylor, said the amount of data being transmitted wirelessly is growing exponentially, and to support that, more space within the spectrum needs to be utilized. Baylis said the free space will allow the Department of Defense to run its systems and innovate new ways to use the spectrum. The team found a method called timeshare, where not every frequency in the radio spectrum is being used at the same time.

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